First Place - L'Oro del Mediterraneo 2023

Thanks to Vitamin E and Polyphenols
EVO OIL performs its antihypertensive function thanks to VITAMIN E and polyphenols and the high content of oleic acid.
VITAMIN E and polyphenols protect the arteries from oxidative damage and atherogenesis
Oleic acid, on the other hand, seems to stimulate vasodilatory actions and inhibit vasoconstrictive actions, resulting in a short and long-term decrease in blood pressure
The History
The Aurina cultivar was imported to Venafro by the emperor Marcus Licinius
The AURINA cultivar belongs to one of the oldest cultivars grown in Italy
The territory
The olives from which the LICINIVS oil is extracted are grown in the Piana di Venafro
Strictly harvested and selected by hand according to the rhythms of nature